Our Birds

We have a diverse flock of colorful egg laying chickens, Pekin ducks, and Bourbon Red turkeys. They eat high-quality local non-GMO feed, fresh garden scraps, sprouted grains, meal worms, and all the greens and bugs they can find. We do not use any antibiotics, hormones, or vaccines on our poultry. We are NPIP certified which means our flock is tested every year for Salmonella Pullorum and Avian Influenza.

Laying Flock

A large bowl full of colorful eggs

Our layers free range all day every day, only going into their coops to sleep or use the nesting boxes. Our flock is full of Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers , and Marans which all lay beautifully colored eggs. We also have a few heavy heritage breeds like speckled Sussex, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Delaware, and buff Chantecler. They keep our farm stand stocked with fresh eggs every day.

A few of our Easter Eggers enjoying the shady grass

Meat Birds

We do not raise the standard grocery store chicken, the Cornish Cross, here on Fumduk Farm. Instead, we have been experimenting with different broiler varieties and heavy heritage breeds with an eye on breeding our own in the near future. No matter the breed, all of our birds meant for meat are raised outside on pasture with enough room to run, jump, and play. They are moved every day so they have access to fresh grass and bugs and our pasture has access to their fertilizer. If you haven’t gotten a chance to taste the amazing flavor of a pasture raised bird, you’re missing out! Check out the shop or stop by the farm stand to see what chicken we have available.


We have a small breeding flock of Bourbon Red Turkeys. Bourbon Reds are a rare heritage breed and are recognized as one of the most delicious. Check the shop or our Facebook page in early fall to see our Thanksgiving turkey availability.


We have a small breeding flock of Pekin ducks. Due to our bad luck, a coyote killed our drake this spring so our duck plans have been put on hold for a little while. Check back fall of 2024 to hopefully find fresh dressed duck for sale.

Birds for sale

We hatch our own eggs and occasionally have chicks, ducklings, started pullets, hatching eggs and roosters for sale. Check our livestock sale page, join our mailing list or follow us on Facebook to be notified of when we have birds for sale. Or you can contact us to ask what we have available.